Document Archive
Any useful documents available for you to view will be included below.
Character Assessment
This provides a summary of the defining visual characteristics of the villages and areas of the town, including both positive and negative elements. The Assessment can help decide how future development might affect the character of an area and can assist in identifying opportunities to reinforce positive characteristics and mitigate any negative elements. It will inform policy to be set out in the Plan to support new development which contributes positively to the character of an area.
Local (non-designated) Heritage Assets
This includes a list of sixty-nine buildings, structures and features which have local heritage significance but are not of sufficient merit to warrant designation as ‘Listed Buildings’, for example. The paper outlines the criteria used to assess each asset on a consistent basis and identifies the specific criteria which justify its inclusion on the list. Policy to be included in the Plan will support planning applications which recognise the historic importance of these assets.
Green Infrastructure
This maps the location of open space within Bourne town and the villages. It also identifies existing green infrastructure corridors within the town and key waterways within the parish. It assesses the qualities of each open space to articulate its importance to the local community. Policy to be included in the Plan will support the protection of these assets and seek opportunities, where possible, to improve their quality and extend the green infrastructure network.
We would welcome comments on the accuracy of the documents. You can also tell us, for example, about any important characteristics, buildings or open space within the town or villages that have not been included.
Previous Documents
Draft Housing Sites Assesment
→ The Draft Housing Sites Assessment background paper dated September 2022
Brief Summary
Site 2 (Land at south-west Bourne)
→ Landscape summary report
→ Traffic impact assessment
→ Constraints plan
→ Utilities overview
→ Northern access
→ Raymond Mays Way access
→ Constraints and comparison of opportunities around Bourne report
Site 9 (Land rear of 17-30 Cedar Drive)
→ An indicative masterplan
→ Design and access statement
→ Ecological survey
→ Biodiversity offset assessment
→ Transport statement
→ Landscape report
→ Flood risk assessment
→ Archaeological report
Site 8 (Land north of West Rd)
Supported By Bourne Town Council
Bourne Town Council
SK Community Point
3 Abbey Rd
PE10 9EF